Although it may have started off on a not-healthy foot, it ended up being a pretty great year. Besides Kevin turning 40 and us starting the adoption process again, we didn't have any major happenings. We might not look back at 2013 as one of the biggest years of our lives, but, regardless, it was a good one. We spent lots of time with family and friends, experienced the fun (and sometimes frustration) of a 2 year old, and overall, just enjoyed the blessings of living in the moment.
Here is a look back at some of the highlights of 2013...
- Kate got her first haircut.
- We installed (much needed) shelving in our pantry.
- Kate got the flu.
- I talked about not being ready for baby #2 (yet).
- Kate turned 18 months old!
- We inherited a hand-me-down play jeep, which is much loved.
- We travelled to watch Kate's birth mom play basketball in the high school state championship game.
- We celebrated Valentines Day.
- We met my parents, Kristi and Davis for lunch after church on Sunday.
- Kate got sick (again) and saw her first snow.
- We celebrated St Patrick's day (while still sick) and Easter.
- Kate made her singing debut at church. She had rehearsals on a Wednesday night and then fell off of the stage during the actual performance on Sunday morning!
- We took a walk to visit the horses near our house.
- Second visit to the eye doctor- things are looking good!
- Kevin went to the Master's.
- My mom, Kristi and I took Kate to the Children's Museum.
- We spent lots of time outdoors.
- Christopher, Collins, Miranda and David stopped by our house for a visit.
- We spent lots of time outdoors, and went fishing at the lake.
- Went to Lake Keowee to celebrate my cousin Mark's graduation from Clemson.
- Watched Kevin play in lots of softball games.
- Made a couple more trips to the lake.
- Kate had her last day of Mother's Day Out.
- We attended Kate's birthmother's high school graduation.
- She also had her very first (unsuccessful) trip to the dentist.
- I celebrated my 2nd Mother's day.
- We traveled to Charleston to visit my grandmother, Mitzi.
- We took Kate to her first minor league baseball game.
- Spent a LOT of time outside- playing with our water table, writing on the driveway with chalk, playing on the swing set, and just running around.
- We watched a lot of golf- and tried to imitate Phil Mickelson.
- Spent time together with family.
- The three of us went to Chicago for a work trip, that we extended for a couple of days and turned into a family vacation. During the trip, we got to do a lot of "firsts" for Kate (and some for me too):
- First flight
- First subway trips
- First visit to Giordano's (yummm!)
- First major league baseball games- Tried to watch the Cubs play at Wrigley Field but it got rain delayed and we didn't wait that one out. Then we went to Milwaukee and watched the Braves play.
- Went up in Willis Tower... and stepped out onto the glass observation deck (scary!)
- Celebrated the 4th of July.
- We laid 4 pallets of sod in our yard in places where we had trouble getting grass to grow, and in an area that used to be a mulch bed.
- Kristi and Davis got engaged!!
- My work rented out the zoo for the night, so we spent the evening at the zoo!
- The same night, a huge storm came through (while I was at the zoo with Kate) and knocked down 4 huge trees in our yard, destroying most of our sod work and making a total mess of our yard. We were without power for multiple days. Thank goodness for good friends who came and helped us clear the trees.
- We spent a lot more time outside. Can you tell Kate is an outside girl?
- I ordered bedding for Kate's big girl room.
- Kate turned 2 and we celebrated with a big party at our house.
- Kevin turned 40!
- Clemson and Georgia played for the first time since Kevin and I have been married... and my Tigers won!
- Kate started taking ballet.
- Kevin and I celebrated 6 years of marriage.
- Mothers Day Out started back. This will be her last year in MDO! Next year is preschool.
- We attended my 10 year high school reunion.
- We mailed off our application to Bethany Christian Services to start the process on our 2nd adoption!
- I traveled to Knoxville, TN to attend a Lifeway conference. Loved it!
- We went to Athens with Kristi and Davis to watch Georgia play Missouri.
- Visited my home town... and went to the park.
- Kate got her first note sent home from school.
- We celebrated Halloween (as a zebra) over multiple days: first, by attending Boo in the Zoo and then trick-or-treating with friends a few days later.
- I finally got to put out my fall decorations. I love fall!
- Watched Clemson play Georgia Tech at Clemson.
- Spent Thanksgiving with family in my hometown.
- Visited a Christmas tree farm to pick out the perfect tree for my parents.
- Went to Charleston with my mom and Kristi.
- Went shopping with Gigi!
- Updated everyone on our adoption progress.
- We decorated our Christmas tree.
- Made lots of salt dough ornaments, and cinnamon ornaments.
- Visited Hollywild.
- Read Christmas books every night.
- Played with our Little People nativity set.
- Celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior.
- Spent Christmas Eve and day at our home for the very first time. We loved hosting my family and waking up in our own beds... and seeing Christmas through Kate's eyes.
- Celebrated my 29th birthday.
- Rang in the New Year together! (Yes, all of us. The fireworks that started hours before the New Year woke her up and scared her, so she was with us as we watched the ball drop.)
As I said before, 2013 was a fantastic year. Can't wait to see all that 2014 has in store!

You forgot to put in July, "Phil Mickelson won the British Open!"
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