One thing I am thankful for is that infertility was not a long struggle for us. There was actually no struggle at all, because we knew before we were even married that biological kids would not be in our future. So when we started thinking about that baby carriage, we started thinking about adoption.
I originally started this blog in June 2011 as a way for friends and family to keep up with us, and stay up to date with where we were in our adoption process. I began blogging not long after we finished the mountain of paperwork that is required in an adoption, and then Kevin and I settled in for what we were prepared to be a BIG LONG WAIT (hence, the address of this blog).
Lucky for us, God chose to bless us with a child much sooner than we expected! Our daughter Kate was born August 10, 2011, just 4 months after we were officially placed on the waiting list. Click on over to the Adoption #1 page to read more about her adoption, and our journey to her.
A few years later, we were ready to do it again! Our wait and our adoption experience was much different the second time around, but was just as wonderful of an experience as the first. After a longer wait, and what seemed like more road blocks, we finally welcomed home our second daughter, Karsten, on October 6, 2014. She is the perfect addition to our family. You can read about our journey to her on the Adoption #2 page.
Nowadays, this blog is more of a "life story"- a story that hopefully reveals to others God's grace and forgiveness, His abundant blessings, and His faithfulness and provision. I know that I don't deserve His forgiveness, nor do I deserve the husband or TWO daughters that He has blessed me with, but I'm forever grateful and pray that my life brings glory to Him.
So, if you'd like to know what's going on in our life, if you'd like to find out what an open adoption really looks like, or if you just want to find out more about adoption in general, feel free to follow me through this continued journey. This blog started out as "Our Adoption Journey" and has turned into so much more than that! So, stay tuned!