Monday, May 30, 2016

Beach Vacation

We spent the past week at the beach in Sunset, NC.  To say we had fun would be a bit of an understatement.  While I wade through the laundry and pictures, here's a sneak peak! I'll be back tomorrow for a real recap of our trip.  Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 20, 2016

School's Out for Summer!

Today was Kate's very last day of preschool.

Mama was a little sad. Kate wasn't in the slightest.  It is funny how different your perspective is as a grown up.  While I'm so proud of Kate and excited to see her grow up, a part of me is also a little sad that we are so quickly leaving behind the younger years. So yes, there was a little bit of sadness for this Mama today!

Kate, on the other hand, saw zero reason to be sad today.  Like all of us when we were her age, she is just so pumped about the next big thing - kindergarten! For her, walking out of the school where she has been for the past 2 years brought none of the reflection time that I had. In her mind, she is on to the next big adventure and she is ready to go!

Kate's K3 and K4 years at this school have been great, and we are so thankful that our girl has been at a school surrounded by people who love her and who love Jesus. We wouldn't want it any other way.  She knows everyone by name, and everyone knows her.  And next year, Karsten will start going there. We hope she loves it as much as Kate did.

Kate learned about colors, and how to spell them, she learned how to write her name more legibly, she learned her numbers and basic addition/subtraction, she learned the letters and their phonetic sound. They went through the Jesus Storybook Bible.  They learned about science - the weather, butterflies, and more. They learned fire safety, and about police officers.  I honestly cannot say enough great things about her school. That's how much we love it. From the first day, to the last day, Kate has grown so much. She definitely looks like an elementary school kid now!

And now, she's ready for kindergarten. No looking back for her!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

Mother's day weekend was a bit of a blur, and mostly in a really good way!  I had a lot going on at work and I couldn't leave early, so we didn't get to go to my parent's house until Saturday. Regardless, we had a great time. We spent the day on their pontoon boat and this pale girl got a tiny bit of sun. I'm not exactly dark complexioned anyway, but next to my two kids, I'm downright ghost-like. Not cool. 

It was fun to spend the first half of Mothers Day weekend with my mom. Love her. 

And Sunday, I made Kevin take our annual Mommy/Daughter picture. Talk about hard. Karsten is in that stage where it is impossible to get pictures.  She barely looks at the camera.  So while Kevin and I were focused on trying to get Karsten to look at the camera, we completely ignored Kate.  I mean she's had more than enough pictures taken of her to know the drill.  And then of course when I put the pictures on the computer, I realized that Kate was making faces or staring off in a completely different direction for 99.99% of them.  That story sound familiar to anyone else? 

So this one picture is a miracle in and of itself. Mothers day 2016. 

These two girls make our life interesting, funny, complicated, crazy, busy, LOUD and fun.

It is so crazy to me to believe that this is my fifth Mother's Day. The years have flown by, but I am so thankful for each and every moment. God has blessed our family in ways we only dreamed about. 

And it's also a little crazy that I dressed both of the girls in the same outfit for their 2nd Mothers Days. Didn't even realize that till I did this collage. :) Ha! 


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