We had another doctor trip this month when what I thought was some type of rash, or eczema, broke out across her forehead. Turns out it was cradle cap, which was on her forehead instead of in her hair. We've been washing with Selsun Blue and it seems to be clearing up the problem.
We're working on our sleep schedule too. Karsten is a little night owl! She comes to life around 7pm and then DOES NOT want to go to sleep. She will easily stay awake until 2am. Mama and Daddy are tired! We used Babywise with Kate and are attempting it again. Karsten has surprised us with a few 5 hour stretches, but they have been rare. At this point, we're just praying for some 3 hour stretches in a row, so Kevin and I can trade off and get a little shut eye. We will get there! In the meantime, this girl is well rested with all the sleep she gets during the daytime!
Kate is LOVING being a big sister. Of course she deals with some jealousy, since Karsten requires so much hands-on attention. However, in Kate's eyes, this is HER baby.
"My baby needs a bottle." "My baby needs a paci." "My baby needs me to rock her." "My baby..."
I hope Kate always loves her sister as much as she does right now!
The past month has been a blur, but we wouldn't have had it any other way. God sure knows what He is doing when he places people in your life, and Karsten is no exception. She is the daughter He always had in mind for us. We are so thankful to her birth mother for choosing us and trusting us to be her parents. We are so in love!

I was an adopted child. I am so grateful for everything that I have. It couldn't have been done without help.