We need a family calendar, but I don't want to just hang any old calendar up on my walls. I mean, I COULD, but why not get something cute and personalized? I might even be crafty enough to try my hand at making one. So of course I turned to Google and Pinterest.
This is the FIRST one I found and still my absolute favorite. Basically you buy the decal from this shop on Etsy and then put it on the back of your own 16 x 20 frame and you have your very own personalized dry-erase calendar. So cute! I haven't ruled this one out, but I think I might be able to make one for a little less money.
Then I found this calendar on this website, which is really more of a DIY version. Still cute, still lots of room for your own personalization, lots of "extra" sections for notes, and I love the idea to leave room for special verses. You could even use this section to put a verse each week for your children to memorize. The possibilities are endless.
Hmm... I will definitely be doing one of these in the future. You know, since I have so much spare time right now. Ha! I think this will be an After-April 17th's project. Just another thing on my rapidly growing list! Be on the lookout though because I WILL be doing this!
And, since no post is complete with out pictures of Kate, I'm going to clean off my cell phone with the most recent pics (so excuse the blurry-ness). Since this is my busy season at work, and Kevin has been working overtime on Daddy-duty, he's been sending me cute Kate pictures to get me through the day. :) Sometimes I have to ask "WHAT?" after getting the picture. Like this one....
I got this one today at work and could not for the life of me figure out why in the world Kate was in the sink. My first thought was that she had an "accident", but then she'd have been in the bath tub. Anyway, Kevin said that he had her sitting up on the counter so he could wipe off her face or something and she just slid into the sink... and loved it. :)
This one was taken out in Kevin's gym. He usually works out before I get home and takes Kate out there with him. This was one of the few days that it was cold outside. His gym has a separate heater and he doesn't turn it on until he actually goes out there, so he bundled up Kate until it warmed up. She didn't seem to mind.
This was her first time on a swing. I missed it! :( Kevin couldn't catch her smiling, but I'm told that she loved the swing too. This was another one of the few REAL winter days we've had.
Okay- that's it! There's still time for you to enter in my drawing for a free copy of the children's book Sweet Baby Moon. If you'd like to enter, click here and leave me a comment on that post.
Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!!

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