I'm currently recovering from being stuffed full for about 5 days straight. At this point, we are so over the turkey, dressing, and all the other Thanksgiving fixings. Don't get me wrong - delicious! But now, I'm done. Leftovers are officially thrown out... except for maybe enough for Kevin to eat for lunch tomorrow. :)
Last year we hosted Thanksgiving with my family and Kevin's family. This year was a smaller affair since just my family came over, but even my side of the family has grown a bit bigger since last year. Meet my 8 day old niece, Rylynn. (I'll do a post just on her another day!)
She is the sweetest, cutest little baby girl! We told Kristi and Davis that it would be great if they could come, but no pressure because they are sleep deprived and have an EIGHT DAY OLD BABY. I think maybe they just wanted to get out of the house. Kate was especially thrilled that they were able to make it for Thanksgiving and we all had fun holding this cutie.
My parents had to take a couple of pictures with all of their grandkids.
With Gigi:
And with Pick:
We watched some of the Macy's parade, ate way too much food while Rylynn napped, watched some NFL football, and a few people snoozed on the couch. How else do you spend Thanksgiving!? :)
And then of course we had to take a few of the annual family pictures. I took some of a few different groups and then used the swing set to put my camera on and set a self-timer for a big group picture.
This was before Kristi and Davis made it with Rylynn.
Kristi and Davis with Rylynn.
Kate (Age 6) and Karsten (Age 3).
My parents, Kristi, Davis, Rylynn, Kevin, me, Kate and Karsten.
And my family - Kevin, me, Kate and Karsten.

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