SO - basically I just wanted to put that out here too. Maybe you just read this blog for fun, and that's fine. Or maybe you know me from high school, college, or somewhere and read it out of curiosity. I'm good with that too! But maybe you landed here because you're thinking about adoption. Maybe you're in the middle of an adoption and wanted to find someone who's "been there". If that describes you, and you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.
kelleyandkevin (at) yahoo (dot) com
Kevin and I are both very open with what our experiences have been as we started out with adoption, as we were matched and placed with our girls, and now as we've been navigating the whole open adoption world. It's been a learning experience and we would love to help give others encouragement and support as they go through the same thing.
And with these two girls as part of our testimony, why would we not want to share what God has done in our lives?

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