It's official. Kate now has to use two hands to show you how old she is. Today, she turned SIX. And she was so excited. Every where we went, she told people it was her birthday. She told the lady at the bank (who had to put a new PIN on my debit card because I forgot the number.....), she told her gymnastics teachers, she told the waitress at lunch. Seriously, every single person we saw. But ya know, you only turn six once so why not be excited about it?
I love this girl so much. She is fiercely determined, she is still very strong willed, and she is independent. It's funny though. Up until now, her personality was very independent but she was still so little, we couldn't really give her a whole lot of independence on her own. Now though? It's so fun (and terrifying) to see her grow up enough for us to give her a little independence and see how she handles it. My heart both hurts and bursts with pride to see her growing up.
She is a nurturer and a comforter. When Karsten gets hurt, Kate is the most concerned of all of us. Kevin and I are quick to tell her to shake it off. Our theory is that if you make a big deal of it, they cry harder. If you tell them it's ok, shake it off, they usually do! However, Kate's tendency is to cuddle and comfort in all situations. She'll pick Karsten up and rock her, or give her a kiss. And if she really does get hurt and Kevin and I are doing the comforting/doctoring, Kate is right there making sure she actually is okay.
She is so excited for first grade and can't wait to meet her teacher, Miss Pennington, next week. She loves to read and Kevin has been reading chapter books to her each evening. I hope her love of reading continues throughout her entire live.
They recently started the 2nd chapter book in a series about fairy ponies. Pretty sure Kevin never imagined THIS part of parenting, but I know he loves this time of night that has become their tradition. If you ask Kate "Do you want Mommy or Daddy to tuck you in?", she quickly answers with "Daddy."
She's a picky eater. She does not like hamburger meat, rice or pasta, which either make cooking dinner extremely difficult when I try to accommodate her, or it makes our time at the table difficult when I don't. Mom problems.
However, with the foods she DOES like, she is a girl of expensive tastes. She loves shrimp, crab legs, steak, and lobster. She recently asked if she could have crab legs at her birthday party. Um, no. She picked out her birthday cake tonight and what did she pick? Red Velvet Cake.
Oh but she will eat almost anything if it is smothered in ranch dressing.
Yesterday she and I were in the car and we drove past the YMCA. She asked me about swimming lessons and asked if I could find her goggles before we went back to the pool. This was our conversation:
Kate: Does the YMCA pool have tentacles?
Me: No, they don't.
Kate: Oh, good. So I don't need my goggles. I can just open my eyes underwater.
Me: No. You can't at that pool It's got chlorine in the water. They put too many chemicals.....
LIGHTBULB MOMENT. Tentacles = Chemicals
She is quick to tell me "I love you Mama" and I never get tired of hearing her tell me. I'm just as quick to say it to her.
When I tucked her in tonight I said "Goodnight, Birthday Girl! You have a whole year to be six." She answered back with "I can't WAIT to be seven!"
Slow down time. I know that day will be here before I know it!

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