Kevin and I have an envelope for each of our girls in a drawer in our desk. We'll occasionally write letters to them (hand written) and put them in their envelope for them to read when they grow up. Last year I placed one in Kate's envelope the day before she started Kindergarten. I figured that this year, I'd write it here (and will probably copy it into her envelope also)...
You are SIX and tomorrow you start your second year of school. First grade! It's a big deal. You were so excited about school, you almost voluntarily went to bed early tonight. You got up about 4 times before finally falling asleep, but still. It's the thought that counts, right? On Saturday, you made a craft with one of your new art supply kits that you got for your birthday. The first thing you asked was if you could give it to your new teacher. I hope you always keep this excitement for school. Please remember that excitement when I'm waking you up early in the morning, okay?
Your bag is packed. Your new pink pencil case is safely tucked inside. All of your paperwork has been completed and is ready for you to turn in. Your lunchbox is ready and waiting on the kitchen table. Your clothes are laid out. Your shoes are by the door. Your STUFF is ready. Your mama is not.
You're one more year older and that's one less year for me to keep you here with me. One less year of you being little. It's hard on my heart to see you grow up, but it also makes me so extremely proud at the same time. It's hard to explain. I know one day you'll get it.
You already know a few of the kids in your class, but knowing you, you'll be best friends with the rest of them by the end of the day. I hope this is true! I'm so thankful that God made you exactly the way He did. You're quick to include people and make friends. If only we could all be a little more like you in this! When you see another kid on the outside of the playground all by their self, go take their hand and ask them to play. Run, and jump, and laugh and have a GREAT time with your friends. I know you will. You would find a way to make sharpening pencils all day fun.
I may be a little sad, but I'm also a lot excited. I'm looking forward to our morning car rides together, and our prayers in the drop off line. I'm looking forward to hearing about your day and going with you on your field trips. I'm not necessarily looking forward to the homework, but I think we might both feel the same about that. First grade will be awesome. And it will be over before we've even realized it's begun.
So enjoy tomorrow. Pay attention, learn the class rules, and tell me all about it when you get home.

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