Kate is my main little artist. She loves all things that involve painting, glitter, drawing, and coloring. This set was right up her alley!
Karsten loves anything that Kate loves. And she loves getting messy. See below Exhibit 1. I took the first picture, and then by the 2nd picture, I realized she was no longer painting the driveway.... she was painting her legs!!
See what I mean? Messy and proud.
This was Kate's masterpiece. Since it didn't rain at our house for a couple of weeks, it stayed on our driveway for quite some time. She loved seeing it as we drove in each day. Between the swing set in the back yard, swings hanging from the trees, and colorful artwork displayed all over our driveway, our house is clearly one with kids! I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so thankful for these two little girls, and even their messes. There's not much that a good scrub in the bath tub won't fix. Though Karsten was a little Smurf colored for a few days...

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