Kevin has done a pretty good job of converting Kate to a Georgia Dawgs fan, despite my best efforts for her to be a Clemson fan. Not long ago, she and I were driving back from dinner with a friend, and Kate requested me to sing "the Tiger song", so of course I hummed Tiger Rag for her. When I got to the end of the song, I went through the Cadence count (you know, the C-L-E-M-S-O-N... T-I-G-E-R-S! Fight Tigers! Fight Tigers! Fight! Fight! Fight!). Well the second that I finished going through all of that, Kate yells out "Go Dawgs!! Woof, woof, woof, woof!!"
At this point, the score is:
Daddy- 1 (or more)
Mommy- 0
This past Thursday, we had tickets to the Clemson vs. Georgia Tech game. It was a night game in Clemson, so originally we were not going to bring Kate with us. But we haven't brought her with us to a college football game this year, and thought she would enjoy it so we brought her along. (And on the plus side, I was hoping this will get her a little more excited for orange, white and purple.)
It was cold, but we were bundled up and surprisingly, stayed pretty warm. We only stayed until halftime, and filled Kate's sippy cup up with hot chocolate, which made her pretty happy.

She loved it! She loved seeing the Tigers run down the hill, seeing the balloons released, and hearing the bands. We sat near the west endzone and every time that Clemson would score, fireworks went off right beside where we were sitting.
Kate sat in her Daddy's lap for about 90% of the time, and I was a bit jealous since he had his own personal heater. Kate is most definitely a Daddy's girl.
I am happy to say, that by the end of the night, Kate was sounding like a little Tiger fan! She would even pump her arm in the air, and yell out "wooo!". Progress. Maybe Kevin and I are even now.... or at least a little closer.
We tried to get a picture of the two of us before we left, but this is about the best you can do with a 2 year old. Especially a 2 year old that is awake 2.5 hours past her bedtime. :)

My bestie goes to Clemson - so i'm of course a Clemson fan too. I had a blast at their homecoming this year so I really enjoyed reading this and reliving the whole firework/chant/balloon scenario. =] Great job on (attempting to) even the score! Lol.