I took a video and some pictures of the first time we let her have the rice cereal so I'll have to post that soon. In the meantime, here's a little glimpse of our weeknight fun. (PS: yet again these were all taken with my phone since it on hand so sorry if the quality isn't as great)
This is all new to Kevin and me, and we're still trying to figure out the best way to feed her. Usually by the time it's dinner time, it's been 4 hours since she had her last bottle and she is hungry. I TRY to let her eat the rice cereal first, but normally she wants nothing to do with it. She just wants her bottle. So, I let her have about 1/2 of a normal bottle and then feed her the rice cereal. Sometimes she goes for it but sometimes she just wants her bottle back. Obviously since we just started solids, she's not eating much at all. I make 1-2 tablespoons total, and most of it ends up on her bib, face, hair, hands, etc. Plus, I cut back her bottle by 1-2 oz when she eats rice cereal too. Anybody do anything differently or have suggestions?
So after the bottle it was definitely time for a bath. Kate loves bath time, and we had a lot of fun tonight. She's probably going to kill me for these pictures when she gets older. :)
My crazy hair girl. Oh but wait... it gets better!
Kate definitely had wrinkled hands and feet when she got out, but she loved it. She splashed and smiled the whole time.
After all of that fun, it was time for lotion, pj's and bed! Good night, Kate. You're such a cutie!
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My sister is giving my nephew rice cereal mixed in his bottle with formula. That seems to work better than spoon feeding. Maybe give that a try. This is only auntie advice and I have not ever tried this. LOL