We had a CRAZY busy weekend and I'm just now getting the chance to blog about it. Because we did so much, this will be a 2-part blog. I wanted to make sure to blog about all of this though, because I'm sure the next few days will be full of Christmas fun and then of course I'll be blogging about Kate's FIRST Christmas. :) So excited!
We spent Saturday at home, which was SOOO nice. Kevin got up to feed Kate at 7am and I slept until 10! I don't think I've done that since before she was born. In fact, I know I haven't! It was great. We spent the day doing things around the house and relaxing.
On Sunday, Kevin did the message. He used these verses from Galatians...
But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.
Galatians 4:4-7
His last point talked about the ADOPTION of Christmas. When we surrender to God, He makes us his CHILDREN and we have FULL RIGHTS that any child gets from his father. When Kevin got to this point, he asked me to bring Kate out of the nursery and up to the stage. He talked about her adoption and how she isn't a second-class family member. She isn't a second class child. She is OUR child and we want to give her our best. We treat her the same way that we would have treated a biological child. She's OURS. In the same way, God doesn't view us as his second-class children.
When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord God gives us...
Kate stayed up on the stage with Kevin for the entire last point and did SO well. We weren't sure how she'd react but she seemed to enjoy just looking around at everybody in the congregation. She even gave out a few smiles.
If you want to HEAR the Sunday's message click here.
After church we headed to Sumter to visit with our former pastor, Charles and Cindy. Kate got to spend some quality time with what we'll call her 3rd set of grandparents. :) We attended their church Sunday evening, and she was a hit. She had fun showing off her tiny red patent leather shoes.
We spent the night in Sumter and then headed to Columbia on Monday morning to meet with Kate's birthparents for the 2nd time this year. I'll blog more about THAT later, but will just go ahead and say that we had a really good meeting and Kate even got to see the big jolly old man in the red suit. And of course we got pictures!

Kevin & Kelly I Pray God's Blessing upon your whole family ! Amen
ReplyDeleteTim Fuller
ReplyDeleteI'm really not much of a writer , but here I go.
Sunday when you preached I didn't know or understand were you were going till right at the end . As you know I lost both of my Grandpa's in the last several years I have had a void in my heart. Having said that.
I looked up the term Abba Father. The term that Jesus said we have the ability to cry. It means Papa or Daddy. It made me realize that I could talk to him like use to do with my Grandpa's. I already new this ,but it made it much more real to me.
Thanks for delivering God's word to us and Thanks for listening to the Lord and doing what he lays on your heart.
Tim Fuller