In all honesty, we did have a great weekend and WONDERFUL weather, which meant lots of outside time. Kevin was in a golf tournament on Saturday so Kate and I hung out together all day. We didn't have any big plans and it was nice to just "do nothing" all day long. We stayed outside for well over an hour and Kate played on her swing set, ran around, and played on her John Deere Gator. She did just about everything EXCEPT drive it around. She put the key in and out of the ignition, put the little tailgate thing down and sat in the back, and then sat in the front floorboard. Silly kid.
We have had some indoor fun lately though. I bought a pack of pipe cleaners for Kate to play with since my 3 and 4 year olds at church have so much fun with them. I pulled out a strainer and she spent probably 30 minutes sticking pipe cleaners in the holes and just bending them back and forth. Another score for the Pinterest ideas. :)
And of course we broke out one of her Easter presents, Crayola Bath Dropz. I have to say, these things are pretty neat. We had to use 2 of the drops to get the water a dark enough color. In the pictures below, we used red and blue so our water was supposed to be purple but it actually just ended up a darker blue. Still pretty neat and Kate seemed to have fun. Now at bath time she points and says "color". I'm thinking these aren't going to last very long.

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