Thursday, June 16, 2011

Big Storm & Big Weekend To Come

Wow! Last night had to be one of the worst storms that I remember.  Every day this week it has gotten dark and stormy looking about 5:30 but we haven't gotten more than a drizzle at our house.  On my way home from work yesterday I noticed that the sky was getting darker again and thought to myself "I hope THIS time we actually get some rain at our house".  Since it was a Wednesday night, I changed clothes and got ready to go to church.  Right as Kevin and I were about to leave the house it got EXTREMELY dark outside, it got very windy, and it started hailing- hard.  I don't think I've ever seen so much hail fall that fast.  They weren't small either.  Once it finished the ground was almost white.  We definitely weren't going to attempt driving our cars in that, so we waited until the hailing stopped and then went on to church.  I'm surprised there weren't any tornados reported.  Luckily we didn't have any major damage at our house.  Others weren't so lucky. A friend at work had a huge tree fall on her fence and into her neighbor's yard.  Someone at church had damage to multiple windows & siding.  Crazy.

On another note, we've got a big weekend ahead of us.  Our church's VBS is this weekend.  We're doing things a little differently.  In the past we've had the normal week night VBS. This year we're doing a camping theme. The kids are coming on Friday evening, spending the night (for the older ones) and then we'll have VBS on Saturday until 4:00.  We're excited to be trying something new, and we'll see how it goes.  Hopefully we will have a great turn out and we'll have a whole day to encourage and teach the "campers" about Jesus' life, death and resurrection and what that means to us! I have a feeling this will be one exhausting, but rewarding weekend!

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