Our Sunday Christmas Eve started off with our church family, celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We went out to eat with some of our church friends and then spent most of the day at home with our family. Sunday night, we took the girls to go get hot chocolate and went to visit a very sweet lady - Kevin's grandma.
The girls love Grandma Betty and love visiting her at her apartment. Before we knew it, it was 9pm and time to get home and get ready for Santa! But first, we made ice cream sundaes! Of course after hot chocolate and ice cream, it was nearly 11 before our kids fell asleep. And then finally, Santa came!!
Kate woke up at 730 and then patiently waited until Karsten woke up at 830. She was SO excited though. She snuck into our room, tiptoed around to my side of the bed, and then tried to tiptoe out. I sat up and looked at her and she said "Mommy! Santa came!" Oh the excitement of a 6 year old!
And y'all. She was so excited about every single thing. I mean look at this face... pure excitement and joy over a TOOTHBRUSH. If only we all had this reaction to life's everyday blessings.
The ONLY thing Karsten wanted for Christmas was a black car. We think she wanted one she could ride in and drive, but that wasn't going to happen since the girl's already have a green Jeep that they can drive around the yard. She DID find a black car in her stocking though, so Santa didn't forget her!
Both girls got Fingerling monkeys and I have to admit, they are kinda funny.
Their big gift was a basketball goal. Kate has said the past few months that this is what she wanted Santa to bring.
She was pretty pumped and said "I knew that was what was in that box!!"
After what seemed like 15 hours (which was really about 4 hours), Kevin got the goal put together and Kate had a blast. She told us she couldn't come back inside until she made 30 goals. Ha!
And yes - This was at 5pm and Kate still had on pajamas. My kids stayed in their PJs all day long.
We ended up going to IHOP for dinner because by the time we finished all of the assembly, nobody wanted to cook! They were crowded but we weren't in a hurry. Karsten wanted a selfie with Mama, but said she had to wink. Ha!
At some point, Nana and Papa came by with Grandma Betty to check out what Santa dropped off. The girls had fun showing off their new toys and we enjoyed visiting with more family.
And that was that. Sure there were lots of presents and toys, but the biggest present of all came to earth as a tiny baby so many years ago. And that was the real reason for all of the celebration. Jesus. For Him we are most thankful!