This past Tuesday was Opening Day. No, I'm not mistaken on my date. I'm not talking about Major League Baseball's opening day. I'm talking about co-ed church league softball's opening day. That's right. I'm talking about the big time. So of course we headed to the softball fields at 6:30 sharp on Tuesday evening. You can tell Kate was super attentive to the game...
Since I know my child, I knew that she wasn't going to sit and watch the game, nor was she going to even stay in our general vicinity unless I had something to occupy her time. So I brought a few of the tiny party favor play-doughs along for the trip. They worked well enough to keep her busy, and they're cheap enough to just throw away at the end of the game (especially since they end up being full of dirt and sand).
Kevin started off the season with a home run during one of his first few at bats.
Kate missed it.
But, the weather was great and we had a fun afternoon at the fields. We may even be here watching Kate play a few years down the road!

What a wonderful day!