Kevin said to her "Kate, we don't say that. What do you say instead?"
Her response: "Ouch!"
Kate has become a Taylor Swift fan. I have the CD in my car and made the mistake of playing it in front of her recently. Now, every time we get in my car I hear Kate saying in the back seat "Ever, ever! Peas!" I never, ever ever want to hear that song again!
I got Kate a new bathing suit at Old Navy and when we got home, I took her into her room to change her. Once it was on, I said "Go show Daddy your new bathing suit."
So we both walked into the kitchen where Kevin was and our conversation went something like this
Me: " Kate, tell Daddy what are you wearing."
Kate: "Baby soup!"
Guess that's her way of saying bathing suit. :)
I sent Kevin a text as I was leaving work one day to see if I needed to get anything extra from the grocery store. He responded in Kate-language. Can you guess what he was telling me to get?
(Pretzels, Chips, Cereal and Chocolate)
Kate is not calling Kevin by his first name as often as she was a few months ago, but she still does occasionally. The one time she ALWAYS calls him by his first name is when she wants him to come with her. She'll wave her arms at him to motion him to come with her and says " 'mon Ke-fin!" (Meaning- Come on, Kevin.)
Kate loves sports. Every time we turn on the television (which isn't that often around her) she will point and say "back-et-ball". This is probably her favorite sport to watch, which stinks for me since it is my least favorite sport to watch. I guess I better get used to it since she's in the 100th percentiles for height. There might be a lot of back-et-ball in my future.
I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and had cut up some strawberries to go with my meal. I said something to Kate about putting a little bit of sugar on top and she gave me a kiss. I was confused until I found out that Grandma Betty has been telling Kate "Give me some sugar." So now when Kate gives out kisses she says "su-ga. su-ga."
We are right in the middle of potty-training (eek!) and let me just say, Kate is definitely a strong-willed child. My mother-in-law (Diane) keeps Kate during the day and is

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