Well, Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that I am a bit late on this but I have had an unintentional blog break. My laptop decided to die on me last week. It was on its 9th life but it was still a sad day. My laptop was about 5 years old. One year ago we thought it had died but a man in our church was able to "save" it. However he had to put on a Linux operating system which meant no more Windows. It was great for just getting on the Internet, but I am used to Microsoft everything so I was basically lost. Anyway, last week it stopped connecting to the Internet so I knew it was time for something new. I couldn't decide between a new cheap laptop or going for the iPad. I've been wanting an iPad for quite a while, but that was back when my laptop was functional. I decided to take a poll of my Facebook friends to see if I should get a new laptop or go for the ipad. Overwhelmingly, my friends told me to get a new laptop. Despite all of this, I found myself in line at Target on Black Friday waiting to get an iPad. I am an idiot.
But after a 3 hour wait, I now have my iPad and I love it. :) I guess I should also add that Kevin does have a laptop so if I ever NEED to use it, I can. We will see how this works out for now though.
So I said all of that just to say, Happy Thanksgiving a few days late. We had lots of fun with family, and just enjoyed this laid-back kind of holiday. We are so thankful for the many ways God has blessed us. It's easy to overlook even the simple ways that we have all been blessed, but I hope this holiday has helped us all to open our eyes and be thankful to our Creator every single day of the year.
On a totally different note, I saw these on Pinterest (where else?) and knew I had to make them. When I was growing up, we celebrated Thanksgiving in Charleston every year. One of my Grandmothers friends always made these cute turkeys. I remember all of us kids would camp out where these were sitting for the entire afternoon. Of course the adults put them on a table that was high enough for these to be just out of reach. Typical. Regardless, when I saw them on Pinterest I knew I had to try to make them. They turned out okay for my first attempt!

And the last random thing for this post is about a new (to us) Christmas tradition that we have started. Another Pinterest idea, of course. I have mentioned that Kate LOVES books and I am not exaggerating. So, I saw this idea to wrap a Christmas book for each day of December and have your child(ren) open up a "new" book each night. Last year Kate was too little to know what was going on but I hit up some after-Christmas sales and picked up about 7-8 books. I mentioned it to my mom and she went into our attic and pulled out all of the old Christmas books from my childhood. She even went ahead and wrapped them for me! Last night we let Kate open her first book and I LOVED it. It was Just A Snowy Day by Mercer Mayer. S much fun reading Kate a book that I remember being read when I was growing up. What a fun new tradition.
This is so funny- we are doing the wrapped books thing too!