I decided to do a couple of collages to recap our weekend!
Here is a summary of the first collage below:
Top-Left: On Saturday, we decided on the spur of the moment to make a trip to some outlets that are about an hour away from our house. Turns out it was a good decision, because I found two skirts for work- one of which is a Clemson orange skirt. :) This picture was while we were shopping at the outlets.
Top-Middle and Top-Right: Since Kate found her "stash" of food in our dining room on Friday, I cleaned out a cabinet and moved all her food into the kitchen. I thought it would be safe- but she found it again! And of course this time she walked all over the house with TWO cups of peaches.
Middle-Left and Center: Later that night, we went to eat at Chipotle with Ken, Angela and Kristi. Kate loved the guacamole. I posted a video earlier today of her eating it and asking for "more". You can see it here.
Middle-Right and Bottom Row: After we ate dinner, we walked around some of the shops that were in the area. One of the stores was a party store so we stopped in to look for plates for Kate's upcoming party. Kate located some little squishy soccer balls and walked all over the place holding these. Can you see the theme of her wanting something in each hand when she's walking?
These pictures are a little out of order, but that's okay.
Top-Left: On Sunday, after Kate's short nap (and mine too), I took Kate outside on the swing. She loved it and would have stayed out there a lot longer if I'd let her. It was too hot for me though!
Top-Middle: Saturday afternoon Kate took a 4 hour nap! I was pretty productive. Sort of. I baby-proofed the cabinets under our sink since that is where we keep all of our cleaning supplies. It took me 30 minutes to install ONE of these things!
Top-Right: I pulled out my embroidery machine because I wanted to put a monogram on a cute dress that I found for Kate at a consignment shop. The monogram itself turned out great. However, I did not realize that when I was putting the image from my computer to my machine, it flipped the design. So, the monogram went onto the dress up/down instead of side/side. (See bottom-middle picture). No good. I'm definitely still trying to figure out my machine. At least it was a cheap dress.
Middle-Left: Kate's lunch on Saturday. She normally loves green beans. These were some of the Gerber pre-packaged green beans though, and I just couldn't get her to eat them. So I mixed in some Cheerios, thinking I would trick her into eating them. She picked out the Cheerios. Kate-1 Mom-0.
Center: This was taken before we met some friends for dinner Friday evening. I just thought it was cute. Kate LOVES her Daddy!
Middle-Right: Sunday evening bath time. Even in the bathtub, her favorite toy is a book. :)
Bottom-Left: Another swing picture from today after church.
Bottom-Middle: The messed-up monogram dress.
Bottom-Right: Kate was exhausted after church. She didn't even last the 5 minute drive home, and didn't wake up when I carried her inside.
And that was our weekend! Did YOU do anything fun this weekend? Sometimes the weekends where you stay around your home are the best. :)