No? So that's just me?
Recently I helped lead a women's Bible study at my church by Priscilla Shirer called Breathe. The entire study focused around making time for the Sabbath. The word Sabbath comes from a Hebrew word "sabbat", which literally means "to pause". By studying the Sabbath, we didn't spend our time talking about a specific day of the week. However, we spent 5-6 weeks digging into how vital Sabbath rest is in our lives. In fact, it's so important that God gave us an example of its importance right in the very beginning of it all.
God spent 7 periods of time on creation and on that very period of time, what did He do? He rested. He didn't need rest for Himself. God CREATED rest on that seventh day- for us! It was an example of what we need.
On the seventh day God had finished His work of creation, so He rested from all His work. (Genesis 2:2)
(If you're looking for a great Bible study, I highly recommend this one. It's is about creating space in all areas of your life - not just with time!)
Anyway, life has been crazy lately and I really just needed some time to do all of the above. Pause. Reflect. Relax. Rest. And for the first time ever, I took 2 full weeks off of work.
We borrowed my parent's lake house for a bit, took a few day trips, made a quick trip to the beach, and spent a lot of time together as a family. It was needed and it was great.
And you know? I'm really learning that the when the Bible tells us that we need something, and when God actually creates that specific thing for us, and when He gives us an example of it Himself, that kinda means it is important.
What does it say about us when we think that we know better than God? Why are we (Moms especially) so convinced that we need to do more, work more, make more, serve more, sweat more, live more, spend more, or BE more, when God has already told us that He is enough.
We think we can do ALL. THE. THINGS.
- We're the room moms
- We're the schedule keepers
- We're our kids sports coaches
- We always feel like we have to sign up to bring things
- We make dinner
- We teach Sunday school
- We take sick kids to the doctor
- We remember to cut the crusts off the sandwiches
- We are the taxi driver to all of our kids functions
- We wouldn't dare miss an awards ceremony
- Or a poetry picnic
- Or a school field trip
- Or an end of year performance
- We're the sippy cup filler
- We're the birthday party planner
- We throw baby showers for our friends
- We're the holiday present buyer
- We bring dinner to the new moms
I mean I'm just stopping there because the list could go ON AND ON AND ON. And that list doesn't even mention our 8-5 jobs, for those of us that work outside of the home too.
But somehow we think we can do it all and we continue to pack our schedule and our lives with things that don't do anything but wear us out. Sure those are all good and important things, but we can't do them all. We weren't created to work 24/7. We need rest.
Because you know what? When we're so busy running from here to there, and doing this and that, we never have a moment to pause and soak in the goodness of God. We never have a chance to reflect on what He has given us and how He has blessed us. I don't know about you, but when I'm jumping from one thing to the next, and trying to keep all of the balls in the air, I'm surely not whispering "thank you" to Him. In fact, my attitude is FAR from thankful.
When we're THAT busy, we're not worshiping him.
So maybe you want to join me in making an effort to create time in our schedules to sabbat, or pause, each week. Maybe we can't let our kids play 4 sports and take music lessons. Maybe we can't sign up to bring something every time our kid's teacher sends out a request. Maybe we can't coach the soccer team this year. Maybe we need to ask for help (gasp!). Whatever you have to do to make it work, let's make sure that our lives are not so packed full of things, that we forget what truly matters.
"Sabbath-keeping: Quieting the internal noise so we hear the still small voice of the Lord. Removing the distractions of pride so we discern the presence of Christ." -Eugene Peterson

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