Around age 1, Karsten became flat-out obsessed with Frozen. We have just about every Frozen paraphernalia that's even made- dresses, shirts, shoes, stuffed animals, microphones, dolls, etc. You name it, we've got it. While Karsten likes Elsa, she surprisingly is biased toward Anna more. Maybe it's the whole younger sister thing. Who knows.
I'll sometimes put her hair in 2 puffs on her head, but she almost always asks me for Anna braids. You know, like this...
The problem is, I don't really know how to french braid. I can do normal braids fine, but never really learned how to do french braids. I attempted it a few times when Kate was little but her hair quickly grew to be more than I can even hold in my hands, so I basically gave up. After Karsten's continued begging, I figured I better try again...
Can you tell she loves it? Hopefully my next attempt turns out at least as good as this one.
Pretty sure until the Frozen phase passes on through our house, the Anna braids might be a frequent reoccurrence.
By now I know better than to do something for one kid and not the other, because later that evening, Kate was wanting to have "special hair" too. We rolled her hair in curlers, she slept in them overnight, and then she woke up like this.
I LOVE her hair like this. So fun! She even dressed herself and picked out a headband to match her fancy hair.
My girls clearly love the "girly" side of their personalities - fancy hair, dresses, bows, etc! I love having girls and getting to do these fun things with them.