I have a habit of reading my Bible app when I'm drying my hair in the morning. One thing about being a mama is that you take multitasking to a whole new level. :) The scripture I came across was something I'd read many times before, but because of circumstances and events that had happened over the past week, it hit me in a way that it never had before and it got me thinking about God's perfect timing.
It's easy for people to say "God's timing is perfect", when what they're really trying to tell you is to just be patient. We try so hard to rush things and force things to happen, when in reality, God's answer to our prayer is simply "not yet".
When the answer to our prayers is simply "wait" and the waiting gets hard, we can take comfort in knowing that His timing is perfect in EVERYTHING.
But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. - Galatians 4:4
From the moment that Jesus came into the world as a newborn baby, to the moment He was crucified on the cross, to the moment He was raised from the grave, God's timing was perfect. The biggest events in the history of the world were planned and known from the beginning of time. The timing was perfect.
And even though the things in my life are definitely not as monumental as the Savior's birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection, I'm so thankful that God's perfect timing is apparent in a deeply personal way. There are countless personal examples of that divine timing in my life, but of course one of the biggest examples are these two girls right here:
I am so thankful for HIS timing, through bringing these two into our family. Anytime I need a reminder to just trust and be patient, I really should just open my eyes a little wider and remember the ways that God has already worked in my life. How about you?

I too am an adoptive mother and foster mother. I understand completely the concept of patience as I didn't become a mother until age 37 and had my boys for 4 years before their adoption was final. We've had their younger sister for 4 years this summer and still waiting to be able to adopt her. However, I still find myself struggling with patience at times; even though I shouldn't. God bless the broken road! Congratulations on your family.