But that's not what happened! It snowed some MORE. All together, we think we got more than 7 inches at our house, which is c-ra-zy!! Because the freezing rain and sleet packed down the first round of snow, we ended up with about 6ish inches to actually go play in. And play we did. Get ready for a picture overload from our Saturday and Sunday fun!
Karsten loved the snow so much, she cried when it was time to come in! She would go back to the door and try to put on Kate's boots, or my shoes, so she could go back outside. I think snow baby is a pretty accurate term for this one!
Kevin and Kate had a pretty legit snowball fight going on. Somehow I avoided the action. :)
Karsten even got in on some of the fun. She especially loved sledding. You can see from the pictures below that Kate pretty much hated sledding.
And to answer everyones questions - yes, those are grocery bags on her shoes and yes we did it on purpose. Kate had snow boots but all Karsten had were little (brand new) stride rite shoes. I didn't want them messed up and I wanted her feet to stay dry, so we improvised!
We had a blast. And the best part was, the snow was JUST about melted enough for me to make it in to work on Monday. Weekend snows are the best!

They have such sweet faces. I'm jealous of the snow. We got a big blizzard this year but that was it for snow and now it appears dust storm season has started.