And today it happened. Karsten is now ONE. One whole year. Maybe I should just be like all those other moms that count their kids age in months for EVER. So for example, if someone asked me how old Kate is, I'd say, "Oh, she's 50 months old." I'm convinced moms do that because it's just so hard to talk YEARS. But that's not me, so that won't happen. Karsten's one. I'll get over it.
So to make up for lost time, this post is gonna be a big lengthy. Sorry not sorry. Here is what the ONE year old has been up to...
We went to the pediatrician today, and she is 20 lbs 9.5 oz (64%) and 30 3/4 inches long (95%). She wears Size 3 diapers (she's a Huggies girl) and size 9 month clothes. Honestly, 12 month clothes probably fit her a little better but with the changing seasons, she still fits in the 9 month summer stuff well enough to last a little longer before we officially switch to long sleeves for 12 month.
Karsten now has four teeth- two on top and two on bottom. She has two more top teeth that are about to pop through so she has gone from no teeth to 6 in just about 6 weeks. It's been rough.
This girl loves bath time. LOVES it. I think she would live in the water if we let her. She has so much fun splashing around. When she was teeny, she did not want water to get on her face at all, which obviously made hair washing pretty hard. Now she doesn't care. I can pour a full cup of water on her head and it doesn't bother her in the slightest.
She is walking all over the place. It's hard to believe that she's only been doing this about 4-6 weeks, because she's gotten so good at it. She's nearly to the point of running, though it is pretty fair to say that she almost ran before she walked. She is in such a hurry to GO. She would have been walking even sooner than she did, but she wanted to start moving before she even got her balance. Just call her Miss Impatient. I joke with Kevin that she got this from HIM.
She is so rough and tough when it comes to falling down. Girl knows how to take a fall. She knows exactly how to hold her head to make sure it doesn't get bumped. Maybe it is because of having a big sister, but she doesn't cry much from getting boo-boos.
With that being said, she is super sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily. If she's doing something she isn't supposed to, or about to do something that may hurt her, and you tell her "no", she stops what she's doing, turns around, starts crying and then immediately runs to you. She wants you to pick her up and then she'll bury her head in your shoulder and cry. My sweet, sensitive baby girl!
I was a bit worried about her eating, because for the longest time she was totally opposed to foods with textures. She would eat purees just fine, but that was it. She's now eating just about anything you put in front of her. She loves cheerios, green beans, carrots, sweet potato soufflé (thanks, Kevin!), and basically anything that is on our plates. We haven't found much that she doesn't like yet!
We tried to start transitioning to whole milk a few days ago and it was a little rough. After an awful diaper rash, along with some blistering on her bottom, we stopped giving her milk and switched back to formula. We're going to transition a little more slowly and mix formula with the milk, but I think it's pretty likely that some of the problem were those 2 top teeth that are about to pop through.
Karsten has started saying so many words lately. Of course a lot of them are words that only WE would understand, but we know what she is trying to say. She says:
- Mama
- Dada and Daddy
- Bottle (Baba)
- Hey
- Bye
- Bible
- Uh-oh
- Ouch
- Boys (when she is talking to our dogs, Max & Cooper)
- Up (as in, "pick me up")
She will wave, blow kisses, give you five, "fake" laugh when you ask her to, and copy you doing lots of things. Just this morning she saw the pediatrician grab some hand sanitizer and start to rub his hands together. So of course, she started rubbing her hands together just like him.
It is so hard for me to believe that just one year ago, she was this sweet, tiny baby girl...
And now she is this sweet, energetic, smiley (still baby) girl!
Happy birthday, sweet girl! We love you more than you'll know!

She is beautiful!! Congrats and Happy BIrthday!!
ReplyDeleteohh baby