Even though this season of our life IS busy right now, I think it's important to look for, point out, and be grateful for the little things. So tonight I'm thankful that on the way to church, Kate surprised me yet again with her knowledge. Since I have zero experience with kids, I don't have any real expectations of what they should be able to comprehend or what they should be able to do at a certain age. However, I am constantly shocked at the things Kate says and does at the age of 2.5. At this rate, she'll be doing long division at age 4, right?
Anyway, as we were driving to our Wednesday night service, I asked her what we were going to at church. Her first response was to "Watch Veggie Tales!", which is true, because they do play Veggie Tales in our church nursery. But her second response was "Worship God!" and I watched as she immediately looked up at the sky and started saying "Hey, God! You coming with us to church? Come down from there! Let's go. We're going to your house!"
Of course I laughed at her direct and bossy conversation with God, but then started to explain to her that God doesn't just live up in heaven, He is everywhere and He is here with us. Immediately she started singing the Love & the Outcome song:
"He is with us, He is with us
Always, always"
I was shocked, amused and honestly pretty proud of her. We didn't teach her that song. Maybe she learned it with her Nana, or maybe they sing it at her pre-school. Or just maybe, she picked it up from listening to the radio in the car. Who knows, but I'm glad she's learning about God. And I'm glad we listen to Christian music. Much better to hear THIS song come out of her mouth than a lot of other stuff that's on the radio these days, right?
So tonight I'm thankful for the little things. This isn't some huge story that probably means anything to anybody else, but it means something to me. It's one of those memories that I'll (hopefully) be able to remember when Kate is all grown up. And if I don't remember it on my own, that's why I am writing about it now. It's a great memory, and it's one of the little things.