Well, we are finally to the "one day". It took us longer than we thought to get here, since our original plan was to start a second adoption after Kate turned one. BUT if there's one thing I've learned after having a kid, it's that plans change.
In all honesty, can you ever REALLY be ready for another kid? I don't really think that you can. Sometimes I'm not even sure that we're ready for ONE kid, much less another one! When we adopted Kate, our world turned upside down. Definitely in a good way, but TOTALLY different from when it was just me and Kevin. We went from pretty much playing everything by ear, to having our lives scheduled 24 hours a day. Needless to say, becoming a family of 3 was an adjustment. And becoming a family of 4... well, I can't even imagine it yet.
I think like every parent, you wonder how another little person will fit into your family. Logistically, how is this going to work out? Are there enough hours in the day? I can already say that there aren't. Are we going to love another one just as much? Well, yeah. Am I worried about making sure there's still enough "Kate-time"? Yep. But it will work out, just like it has for so many other families. I mean it's not like we're talking about 19 kids and counting. We're talking about one more baby, 2 total kids. So yeah, things will be crazy(ier), but that's life, and we'll figure out what our new normal is.
The funny thing about adoption is that you have to be ready for a baby RIGHT NOW, but you also have to be prepared to wait. I think we are ready for either of those scenarios. Most likely, we'll be waiting for some amount of time to be matched. Our agency's average wait time is about a year. But it might not be a year. It might be much sooner than that, and we have to be ready if that happens to be the case. With Kate, we waited just 3 months to be matched and then a month after that, she was born! So there is always the possibility that it will be quick, but there's also the possibility that it will be much longer. And I think we're okay with waiting. Life is good right now.
So where does that leave us? As of now, we've submitted our initial paperwork to our adoption agency. We have one more stack of paperwork that we need to complete, and we need to get our physicals and background checks before we start our homestudy. So that's pretty much it. We would love it if you would pray for us as we go through this second adoption journey. We're looking forward to our future family of 4, but really enjoying this stage as a family of 3.