Karsten's birthday was a crazy busy day because not only did we celebrate her BIG with a unicorn party in the morning, but we headed to Athens in the afternoon to watch the Dawgs play football. We got tickets and planned it last minute, so had we thought it through a little more we probably would have decided that it was too much to pull off in one day. I'm glad we DIDN'T think it through though, because we had a blast. Our kids love football games and they thrive on the excitement of being at a college game.
Here they are, all ready to go! We thought they would nap on the way there since it was afternoon and we had a few hours in the car. That didn't work out like we hoped but wasn't really a big deal. We got to Athens, loaded Karsten in the stroller, and then started walking over toward the stadium.
It was a night game and we stayed until the beginning of the 4th quarter. Kate was ticked that it was time to leave. She LOVED it and was so into the game. She made me proud! Karsten on the other hand....
Let's just say that she liked everything up to the point of the football game actually starting. And then she didn't care about it at all. She was really good though, and I came prepared with the Leap Pad and coloring books, and of course tons of snacks. I know my girl well. And she's newly 4, so it's not like I really expected her to sit and watch a game. She did great!
We had SO MUCH FUN. This has inadvertently become a family tradition to go to one Georgia game a year, and I love it. Now we have to figure out which Clemson game to get over to this year! :)