Sunday's nearly over, so time for me to catch up yet again. I love this time of year. It's busy, but with all kinds of FUN things - football, Halloween fun, Thanksgiving, family time, fall break and so much more. In between all of the fun activities, we have to fit in the normal everyday life too. Right? I know we're not the only one whose weekends are packed to the gills. Anyway - here is a bit of the "normal" filling our days...
Kate started allergy shots about a week ago. This is a pretty intense 2 year commitment, where we go weekly for shots (one in each arm). Our new Tuesday schedule is that she goes to school, then takes part in the Good News Club that her school offers in the afternoon. I pick her up from Good News at 4 and we head straight to the allergist office, where she gets her shots. We have to wait around for 30 minutes after the shots to make sure she doesn't have a reaction, and it's been a good time for her to get all of her homework done.
Needless to say, Tuesdays wear her out. Napping on the car ride home has become a regular Tuesday afternoon occurrence.
I've learned that when I leave my phone laying around, I'll often come back to random pictures. This has to be the most random one that I've found though. I had about 30 of these in my camera's photo library earlier this week. Ha!
Outfit planning for family pictures is the worst. It's so hard to decide!
Karsten is definitely my cuddly kid. She will often see me sitting on the couch and climb up in my lap, or will run up to me and say "Mommy. I needja.", which means "Will you pick me up and hold me?"
Karsten is also my princess-obsessed kid. Kate went through this phase too. Every evening, it's a total guess as to which Karsten will come out dressed as. On this night, it was Princess Elena.
Weeks ago, everyone was posting pictures that said "Hello October" and talking about how they were looking forward to boots, scarves, pumpkin spice and all things fall. Yeah that hasn't happened here in SC yet. The high today is 85. I'm so ready for things to cool down a notch!