Happy Easter! I am SO behind on going through pictures, but here are a few from Kate's first Easter. We had a great day. We went to church Sunday morning and then came home after church. We had planned to go over to Kevin's brother's house for lunch, but Kate fell asleep in the car on the way home and then took a 3 hr nap. Since she hadn't been feeling well, we just let her sleep and ate leftovers for lunch.
We let her sleep in her car seat Saturday night because her cold is still causing her to have trouble breathing. We let her take her nap in her car seat too.
Due to Kate's increasing mobility, it's getting harder and harder to get pictures. :) If she can move, she will move. I tried to get a few of her in her cute Easter outfit that my grandmother sent. I do have a few other pictures, but haven't had a chance to go through them, so these will have to do for now.
And she LOVED everything in her basket. I wish I'd taken a picture of it before she'd demolished it. I recycled the basket that my Mom and Dad gave her a few weeks ago. I had another basket, but everything just fit in this one a little better. We gave her a stuffed labrador retriever (in honor of Max and Cooper), a few bath squirters, a couple of Easter board books, and because she loves our iPhones so much, we gave her an iPhone cover that's made especially for babies. It's by Fisher Price and locks the home screen so that Kate can't make any phone calls and it's completely slobber-proof! First Easter basket = success!
I've especially loved reading the Easter books to Kate the past few nights. I pray that Kevin and I will do a good job of teaching her what it means to love and trust Jesus with your life, and that one day she will make that decision for herself. I hope that Easter will be a celebration of eternal life and thanksgiving, and not a candy, toys, and bunnies kind of holiday.
I think her little book says it best:
Easter means much more than that. It's all about God's son.
See, God sent Jesus down to earth to die for everyone.
He had to die upon a tree to save us from our sin.
But he was only dead three days, and then he rose again.
Now, that's what Easter really means!
It's quite a special day.
Jesus our Savior rose again.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Today, he sits right next to God in Heaven up above.
He wants to live inside you too, and fill you up with love!
Hope you all had a happy Easter celebrating God's love!
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