Sunday, January 12, 2014

Roller Skating!

This weekend, Kate attended her very first roller skating birthday party!  One of her friends from church (Sarah) was turning 5 and was having a skating party, so of course we had to be there!  Kate loves Sarah, but also LOVES Sarah's little brother, Connor.  They are only a few months apart and Connor is definitely Kate's boyfriend... although Connor has his sights set on a little girl at his daycare. :) We won't tell Kate.

Anyway... back to the party...

Like I said, this was Kate's very first time attempting to roller skate.  It was love at first roll.  She got the kind of skates that just clip on over her tennis shoes, and she did SO well.  I was seriously impressed. I mean she is 2. I figured she would be falling all over the place.  Not the case.  We started off walking around with her and holding her hands.

But before long, little Miss Independent took off on her own and wanted NO help.  She did great.

I have a feeling we are going to be spending some more time at the skating rink in the future.  When I asked Kate if she was having fun, her response was:

"I need more roller skating RIGHT NOW!"

I'm taking that as a "Yes".  :) 


  1. Adorable! Kathleen Chisholm Tucson

  2. Very very cools. I want some like this! The heart is a must.

    Ice Hockey Skates & Roller Skates


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